We provide driven men with consistent support for real-life issues through deep conversations and challenging practices that lead to meaningful growth and success.  We focus on honest communication and alignment to purpose as we believe they are key to the creation of healthy relationships, clarity, confidence and freedom.

The story behind on
being men

The Framework
we use

The CROP® Cycle was created Yaron Engler, the Founder of On Being Men, as a framework that helps individuals and groups move forward towards their goals.

The word CROP combines the harvest of plants with the intentional removal of distractions. The CROP Cycle plants seeds for growth and cultivates what truly matters, bringing meaning and freedom to your life.

It works in a cyclic pattern with four sections: Cleansing & Clearing, Reconnecting, Observing, and Playing/Potential.


Live what matters


Cleansing & Clearing involves letting go of anything that is holding you back, including information, food, environment, or people.


Reconnecting with your inner voice and wisdom without any external influence.


Observing your patterns of thinking, acting, and speaking with sharp self-awareness, which helps in making better decisions in all areas of life.


Playing/Potential stage is where one can experience life more like a play and enjoy what they do, have better connections with people, and experience more freedom and fulfilment.

“The ability to feel the dynamics and temperature of everyone in the group and find cohesion for us to move forwards, but also really tap into our individual needs is a skill that is really commendable.”

Freddie, UK

Meet the founder


As someone who was often told that drumming was just a hobby and that I needed to get a “real job,” I refused to give up my passion and turned it into a successful international career. Throughout my journey, I toured around the world, lived in four different countries, and worked in leading roles such as Musical Director and Lead Musician in big productions and ambitious projects.

While pursuing my drumming career, I struggled with recurring episodes of depression that started when I was just 15. Despite being advised to take medication, I felt compelled to find a more natural solution and embarked on a journey of self-exploration. After years of learning about the connection between the body, mind, and spirit, I was finally able to overcome the depression that had plagued me for 20 years.

Due to my experience with rough communication between my own parents and feeling lost in the area of intimate relationships, I was determined to build a foundation of deep, open, and honest communication with my wife. As a father of two, I also use the same approach with my children and their education.

In 2014, I found my way into the work with men after hearing about the impact it created for some men I saw as great role models. Since then, I have participated, assisted, facilitated, and analysed many different approaches to this work. Through my own life experience and merging my findings, I created the CROP Cycle as a simple framework to help other driven men learn and grow in the areas of relationships, purpose, and freedom.


simon crowe

I found my way into men’s work around 2012, when I was struggling with anxiety and insecurity in relation to my wife. I already had experienced the end of one marriage and was determined to create a relationship that embodied commitment, respect, and love – the only trouble was I didn’t know how.

I was already a successful coach and knew the answers could only be found by going inwards and also understood that I would have to explore my shadow side, however the idea terrified me and I felt overwhelmed, insecure, and also a bit of a fraud.

To help me overcome these feelings, I sought out a male role model that I could trust, and he introduced me to a group of other men who I could allow myself to be vulnerable and feel supported by. With their backing I went on a journey that helped me to take some massive steps towards tackling my problems.

The growth I experienced through this extraordinary environment inspired me to set up a men’s group of my own.  I wanted something that would challenge me to go deeper and through the power of our commitment to each other, I continued to get stronger emotionally, and I developed practices that helped me to be more grounded and more resilient and I became a much better coach and husband in the process.

I have since taken these learnings and approaches and blended them with my leadership skills and expertise in helping people transform their lives and now, I create supportive spaces for others to embark on their own journey of empowerment and self-discovery.

Our values and agreements

Our Agreements are intentions that create clarity within ourselves and with others, whilst helping us sharpen areas in our lives we want to grow in as men.

These agreements are not just simple tasks; they are essential guidelines that have a real impact. We encourage you to discuss and reflect on them, taking them seriously both within and outside the group.

We review them at the beginning of each session, both as a reminder and as an embodiment practice, to establish boundaries and provide guidance on how to act, seek support, and grow.


We respect our own values, boundaries, and well-being.


We hold each other to the highest potential and standards.


We are committed to show up and complete tasks on time.


What is shared in the group stays in the group and won’t be shared with anyone.


We serve each other deeply from a place of love even when it is uncomfortable.


We understand and embody our presence at all times.

honesty & Purpose

We are fully committed to purpose and honesty as we see them as the core for our freedom.


We avoid doubts or indecision and respond to any request or question with ‘Yes’, ‘No’, or renegotiation.

open mind

We show up ready to explore out of our previous knowledge and experience to see what we can find in the unknown.


We value humour and use it as a tool for growth and connection even in challenging moments.


We acknowledge fear but choose not to let it control us. We remember we always have a choice.

clearing conflicts

If a difficult situation is triggered within the group, we agree to step up and clear it quickly. 


We uphold our values and purpose through openness and personal accountability.


We use 'I' intentionally, taking full ownership of our actions and understanding their impact.


We trust each other’s intention of love and support even when we get uncomfortable. 

Are you ...

Ready to become
the man you
want to be