your life.
Your rhythm.

Join our empowering community of driven men to learn how to release what’s holding you back and create growth, confidence, and freedom in the areas of leadership, relationships, and purpose.



  • You’re constantly under stress and pressure
  • You feel trapped with thoughts you can’t discuss with anyone
  • You struggle with feelings of inadequacy
  • You find it difficult to say “no”, especially to people you love
  • Despite having family and friends around, you feel lonely 
  • You feel lost and unsure about the direction you want to go in life
  • You and your partner experience frequent tension

It’s like your inner and outer worlds just don’t match and no matter how well you do, there’s always a feeling that you can do and be better. 

Despite how it might feel

you’re not alone

help you create:

peace & clarity

We help men learn how to ground themselves and develop a strong and confident presence. As a result of the work, you will build a strong foundation of self-assurance, freeing yourself from any doubts that may hinder your progress.

deep connections

Our program will support you in deepening your connection with yourself, your partner, and others. You will gain control over the power of your emotions and become more effective in your communication and understanding with yourself and others.

meaning & fulfilment

Throughout the work we do together, we will help you let go of societal pressures so that you create your own path towards a more meaningful and fulfilling life. You will experience a life filled with purpose and the joy and freedom of living your truth.
Testimonial On Being Men - men's group
“Redefining who I am as a man had profound consequences both in my confidence and in self-realisation. I feel I have now tapped into my power which was strangely always there, but frustratingly inaccessible.”
Adam, Hungary

MEN'S WORK focused
on your growth

Many communities for men offer a safe space to have judgement-free discussions which are a crucial part of the work to be done, but we believe that without additional practices that guide you to fully implement and embody what you learn you are limiting your potential. 

This is why our focus is on:


A core focus at On Being Men is that each man gives and receives personalised, direct, and honest feedback without unnecessary harshness or artificial pleasing. We are committed to share from a place of support and service, in order to shed light on our blind spots so that each man can grow into the man they want to be.


We understand that transformation work can be intense, uncomfortable, and challenging. That’s why we consistently ensure that every man maintains full control over the pace at which he wishes to engage and grow. Our CROP® framework empowers you to determine your own pace and intensity without any external pressure.
A man walking in a forest

GROWth THROUGH embodiment

While sharing and opening up are important aspects of the work we do at On Being Men, we believe that long lasting impact and growth happens through embodied practice. Our toolbox includes breath work, meditation, and archetypes role play, giving you practical tools to understand your limitations and support your personal growth journey.

Learn how to

Master your boundaries

Download BOUNDARIES IN ACTION and gain more freedom, connection, and fulfilment with our FREE Men’s Guide to Inner Freedom in 5 Essential Steps.

From Our Blog

Are you ...

Ready to become
the man you
want to be