a free workshop for men

With Yaron Engler  & Veronika Amaya

From Purpose to Attraction: What Women Really Want in a man.

Ever wondered what women really want in a man? Join us to learn practical insights for fulfilling connections.

A woman looking at her man smiling


At On Being Men provide driven men with consistent support for real-life issues through deep conversations and challenging practices that lead to meaningful growth and success. We focus on honest communication and alignment to purpose as we believe they are key to the creation of healthy relationships, clarity, confidence and freedom. This session: From Purpose to Attraction: What Women Really Want in a Man, we’ll focus on ways that can help men create the relationships they truly want.

the workshop

Ever felt like you’re navigating a maze when it comes to relationships? You’re not alone. Many of us find ourselves in uncharted territory, struggling to understand what women truly want. Moreover, it’s like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces.

In this session we’re going to shed light on those missing pieces. Furthermore, the event is exclusively for men who crave healthy, loving, intimate, and long-lasting relationships. If you’ve ever felt confused or lacking the tools or knowledge in the space of relationship, this session is for you. You’ll gain more clarity and learn tools that you can implement straight away in your relationship and the way you conduct yourself as a man around women.

Our guest speaker, Veronika Amaya, is a relationship coach with a deep understanding of both men and women. She’s here to guide us through the maze and help us uncover the hidden truths about what women really desire.

During our time together, we’ll dive into some critical topics:

Understanding the Feminine

What makes women tick? We’ll unravel the mysteries and gain insights that go beyond guesswork.

Two Unhealthy Masculine Archetypes

Ever heard of the “Nice Guy” or the “Emotionally Unavailable Man”? We’ll explore these extremes and discover why they don’t lead to fulfilling relationships.

What Women Really Want in a Man

We’ll discuss what the integrated man looks and feels like — the one who embraces both his masculine and feminine sides. The one who is on purpose with an open heart. Learn how to be in tune with what women need to feel safe and emotionally connected.

At On Being Men, we believe in open and honest dialogue. Our mission is to provide a safe yet challenging and loving space where you can find the courage, confidence, and clarity to live a life filled with purpose, fulfilment, and meaning.

While our community is exclusively for men, we recognise that the path to understanding relationships can feel like tiptoeing through a minefield. That’s why we invited Veronika, a woman who deeply understands the intricacies of relationships. Her work aligns with our values, and we trust that her insights will help us all gain a deeper understanding and practical tips that we can implement in our current or future relationships. 

The Host

Yaron Engler
Founder of On Being Men, Facilitator, Speaker & Drummer

At On Being Men we support men in finding the clarity, courage, and confidence to live with purpose. Intimate relationships play a big role in this journey, as they can either provide balance or drain our energy. Within our programs, men have the rare opportunity to engage in discussions and practices that enable them to build healthy, loving relationships with their partners.

I invited Veronika after attending one of her sessions, where her passion for supporting men and women in intimate relationship challenges was evident. Her message also aligns with the work we do in our programs.  So I thought it would be highly beneficial for the men in our community, as well as newcomers considering joining us, to participate in a session where, instead of discussing our issues solely among men, we could gain insights from the perspective of our partners.

I am confident that Veronika will provide insightful and valuable content that will help you gain a better understanding of how to improve the intimate relationship you have with your partner.

Yaron Engler headshot

The Speaker

Veronika Amaya
Dating & Relationship Coach, Founder of the Conscious Relationship School

I help men and women build lasting relationships filled with respect, understanding and love. I have been working as a Coach and Conscious Relationship Teacher since 2019, helping thousands of people overcome their dating anxieties, resolve toxic relationship patterns and keep attraction alive through healthy polarity.

How I’ve come to learn about relationships was my own strong desire to create a peaceful relationship. Growing up my parents were constantly arguing, which made me feel stressed and divided our family. Later I found myself repeating the same patterns in romantic relationships – constant arguments, disconnection, loneliness. With 27 I had enough. I left my Master’s program and went on a 6 months trip to India. That’s where I met the love of my life – my now husband Matt. Together we build a conscious relationship, which means that we are both committed to transforming our limiting patterns from childhood and put respect and understanding in the centre of our relationship.


Veronika Amaya


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